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Let's Talk

Community Law Marlborough

14 Market Street Blenheim

(03) 577 9919 or 0800 266 529

We offer our services by way of appointment, phone, email, and Zoom.
Drop-ins are welcome depending on availability.

We are open Monday to Friday during the following times:

Monday | Tuesday | Thursday 9.00am - 4.30pm
Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm
Late Night Wednesday 9.00am - 6.30pm

If the matter is urgent call our 0800 266 529 number to speak to a Caseworker.

Kaikōura and Picton Outreach Clinics

We also provide Zoom appointments between 9.30am - 4.00pm. 

If you require a video appointment call us on 0800 266 529 or you can call Heartlands (Kaikōura) on 03 319 7243 to arrange a time.

Kaikōura Outreach Clinic

This clinic is situated at:

Te Whare Putea, Beach Road, Kaikōura

We will be in Kaikoura on the 2nd Tuesday of every month between the hours of 10.30am to 3.00pm, or at other times by arrangement.

Picton Outreach Clinic

This clinic is situated at:

Picton Library, 2 Dublin Street, Picton

Appointments can be made by contacting Community Law Marlborough on: